Health & Safety including COVID-19

Digital X-Ray | West Calgary Periodontics

Your Health & Safety are of Utmost Priority To Us!

At West Calgary Periodontics, your health & safety is paramount. Our infection control procedures meet and exceed the highest standards, as outlined in the Alberta Dental Association & College – Infection Prevention and Control Standards, and the Centres for Disease Control.

In Alberta, X-ray machines, and CT scanners are governed by the Radiation Protection Act and Regulation. These guidelines outline the obligations dentists have to ensure the health and safety of staff, patients, and the public. As a regulated member of the Alberta Dental Association and College, Dr. Tom Wierzbicki’s radiation equipment is registered and regularly inspected.

COVID-19 Safety

At West Calgary Periodontics your safety is the first priority, and during the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is no different.  Our clinic follows the guidelines and protocols as outlined by the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services, the Alberta Dental Association and College, and the City of Calgary.

We have made the following additions, specific to the COVID-19 pandemic, to our previously existing infection prevention and control protocols:

  • daily screening of staff (COVID-19 specific health assessment and temperature monitoring).
  • telephone pre-screening of patients prior to appointments.
  • select appointment times for vulnerable patients (e.g. over 65 years of age, and/or patient’s medical history involves: heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, or any immunocompromised status)
  • patient-specific hand-sanitizing and mask donning station at the clinic entrance.
  • screening of patients upon arrival at the office (COVID-19 specific health assessment and temperature monitoring).
  • configuration of the reception area to permit ease of social distancing.
  • continual masking of all clinic staff while in the office.

If you have any questions about any of our health and safety procedures,
please do not hesitate to ask us!

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    Opening Hours

    Monday: Closed

    Tuesday to Friday: 8:00am to 4:00pm

    Weekends & Statutory Holidays: Closed


    Plenty of Free Onsite Parking


    West 85th Professional Building is Wheelchair Accessible including Elevator & Washrooms

    Call us at (403) 727-5307 to schedule your appointment today!
    No referral is necessary.